Warning to Ticknock/ThreeRock users

Important update from CI Offroad Commission:

Work has been recently performed by Coillte near the upper Ticknock carpark in order to deter riders from cutting down across a short section of singletrack to the tarmac road below, but this has resulted in a very dangerous condition whereby a rider could be badly injured if they use this trail so please take careful note and avoid it.

The section of trail in question runs is shown in the image below.

A bank has been created at the edge of the tarmac road whereby if you roll down this bank from the trail above, you are in danger of getting your wheels trapped in the gulley between the lower part of the bank and the tarmac road, potentially resulting in you crashing onto the tarmac road.

Google-Earth image of the exit of this trail is here – please have a look and be aware of the problem.

The urgency and danger of this issue has been communicated to Coillte today who will resolve the issue asap but meantime ** Please do not use this section of trail until the issue gets resolved!!**

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