Brand New Cycling Ireland MBLA Trail Cycle Leader Course – Upcoming Dates
Cycling Ireland is delighted to introduce to you the NEW Mountain Bike Leaders Awards (MBLA) Scheme. 2012 will see Cycling Ireland offer a New Leadership Qualification in Mountain Biking in the form of a NEW Trail Cycle Leader (TCL) Award. Please find below details of upcoming Trail Cycle Leader Courses (TCL);
Cycling Ireland MBLA Trail Cycle Leader (TCL) Courses
Date: 12th and 13th of April
Venue: Ballyhoura, Co. Limerick
Thursday and Friday: 9am to 5:30pm
Date: 19th and 20th of April
Venue: Roundwood Parish Centre, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow
Thursday and Friday: 9am to 5:30pm
Date: 21st and 22nd of May
Venue: North of Ireland, Venue, TBC
Monday and Tuesday: 9am to 5:30pm
About the Cycling Ireland MBLA Scheme
The Mountain Bike Leader Awards (MBLA) was developed by Scottish Cycling (SC) in conjunction with the Scottish Advisory Panel for Outdoor Education (SAPOE) in order to provide a framework and qualification for leaders to deliver mountain biking as a safe and enjoyable activity. The MBLA Scheme facilitates a non-competitive experience of mountain biking for groups of people with wide ranging abilities and aspirations. MBLA encourages participation in mountain biking through group led activities.
The MBLA scheme provides training and assessment in mountain biking and leadership skills.
Cycling Ireland (CI) in agreement with SC will run the MBLA Scheme in Ireland (all 32 counties) as a Cycling Ireland MBLA Scheme somewhat independently of SC.
The MBLA scheme offers awards at two levels, the Trail Cycle Leader (TCL) and the Mountain Bike Leader (MBL). The comprehensive syllabus for each award includes mountain biking skills, trailside repairs and bike set-up, navigation and leadership. The first qualification to be developed on the CI MBLA scheme is the TCL. The TCL Award consists of a two day (minimum 16 hours) training course, followed by a one day assessment. The award is equivalent to the Basic Instructor stage on the Coaching Ireland Adventure Sport Framework in accordance with the Coaching Development Programme for Ireland.
MBLA Scheme Pre-Entry Requirements
1. MBLA Registration
Prior to any training course you must first register, once off payment of €60 for registration, with the Cycling Ireland MBLA. Your registration pack includes the MBLA Training Manual which contains all the topics covered in TCL and MBL training and assessment, TCL Logbook, together with all the documentation you require for the course, including log sheets and membership forms.
2. Logbook
Candidates must be over 18 years old and have Log book evidence of at least 20 mountain bike rides of 1.5hr duration in appropriate terrain, and in a variety of weather and riding conditions. Longer runs of 2-3 hrs duration, with at least one being 6 hours and 2-3 detailed route cards should also be included. The terrain covered should be appropriate to the level of award sought. Logbook sheets are provided within the MBLA Training Manual, included in candidates’ Registration pack.
Evidence of having acted as an assistant leader with a group is recommended, to help acquaint the candidate with the skills and issues covered by the course. Ideally candidates must have their own bike or at least have easy access to one, e.g. through their Centre or School. Bikes are not provided on the course
Trail Cycle Leader Award (TCL)
The Trail Cycle Leader Award consists of a two day training course, followed by a one day assessment. On successful completion of TCL assessment the participant will be sufficiently skilled in mountain bike leading to lead groups of up to 8 riders throughout Ireland.
TCL should be able to make appropriate leadership decisions and use good judgement. TCL should be able to comprehensively risk assess the level of challenge a route provides and match experience, abilities, motivation and equipment of the group to the terrain and routes being considered.
TCL are qualified to lead under the following conditions:
- Public highways, way-marked routes, rights-of-way on which cycles are permitted, identifiable routes, tracks and trails with obvious navigational features.
- Routes which are 90-95% rideable over their total length.
- Terrain no more than 30 minutes walk from either
– The nearest accessible (by ambulance) road
– A shelter from where it is possible to summon help - Height of no more than 600m.
- Terrain matched to the skills and riding competencies of TCL.
- Normal summer conditions, during daylight.
- Multi day trips where the group does not have to be self sufficient.
- A Trail Cycle Leader could also act as an assistant to a Mountain Bike Leader.
For further information on this NEW Scheme and upcoming TCL Courses please don’t hesitate to contact me or go to the MBLA Section of the Cycling Ireland Website.
Rachel Ormrod
Coach Education Officer
Cycling Ireland
619 North Circular Road
Dublin 1
p: 01 8551644
m: 086 7802937
f: Coaching and Education facebook page