2014 Irish BMX National Series – Round 3



2014 Irish BMX National Series – Round 3




Wet, cold, windy … a perfect summers day for a race. Shay’s personal weather god has abandoned us all! Saying that, there was still some great racing from the hardy bunch that braved the tough conditions out at Ratoath BMX.  The weather did contribute to a steady stream of crashes though. Lee Byrne and Geronimo Roa probably had the worst of them, hopefully they recover and get back on it quickly.


The youngest group, the under 6 boys, was decided with moto racing. Alex Waller took it followed by Callum Dunleavy and Evan Fynes. Carly Hayes was in the thick of it all day battling with the boys as was Luke Murphy.




Corey Waller was again on top in the 7-8 boys closely followed by Callum Clancy who is getting quicker all the time. James Woods took the third spot with Charlie Jackson not far behind in fourth. Seven riders meant this group was at full pace all day in moto racing.


The 9-10 boys had some great 1st, 2nd and 3rd straight battles between Ryan Quinn and Lee O’Sullivan but it was Ryan first over the line in all four moto’s. Aaron Masterson Wyer, who finished third, was in a tight battle all day with Calvin Dunne, one of the fastest improving riders this year. Special mention to Eoin Williams in his first National race, the weather didn’t make it easy!





The super competitive 11-12 boys group won by speedy Daniel Barker from Morgan Kearney and Jake Larkin. Cian O’Sullivan was unlucky to crash and end his chances.


The hardest working (with a shovel & rake anyway) Irish BMXer, Leon Curly, took a deserved win in the 13-14 year olds. With Matthew Campbell in second and Jason Rowe in third. Lee Byrne, as mentioned earlier, never made it to the gate after a bad crash during practice followed by a trip to the hospital.




Chole Steacy took the under 7′s girls by a single point form Chloe Byrne with Skyla Nally in third.


In the 8-10 girls class Shauna Byrne was the runaway winner with Alannah Carolan in second closely followed by Aoife Murtagh.


The older Steacy sister, Abby, also took top spot in her group, the 11-14 girls. Kate Larkin finished the day in second with Shauna Rowe in third. Ella Murtagh put on a brave show too in the rain and wind.




In the 15+ male class it was Eoin Corrigan cruising around unimpeded taking the win. Adam Fynes had some very fast starts but needs to get his legs spinning faster to keep up with Eoin. Patrick Bradley was in the mix too, ending up third with David Dorney in forth. David looked impressive on his new whip. Katie O’Neill, the only girl in the group, had an impressive moto win followed by an equally impressive spill on the last berm. Adam Davis who was on fire at the previous National was seen walking around with his hand bandaged, what happened there?



The 30+ Vets saw Ian Hamilton win all but one of the four moto’s putting him on top of the podium for the day. Joey O’Neill managed to win the last moto giving him second overall. Tom Campbell ended up third after some fast first straights. Johnny Reid looked strong all day, ending up forth with Michael Wilson, in his first National, just behind in fifth.




The Superclass riders were again happy to allow Joe Presswood get used to leading a race from start to finish, they are an accommodating group after all. Matthew Malone, in his second Superclass year took a very impressive second followed by team mate Sam Murphy in third. Ilmars Virsis had an altercation with the step up on the second straight sending him from second to forth and taking Eamonn Wyer with him. The Superclass is proving once again to be the most completive class with all finalists in with a chance at a podium spot, well steps two and three anyway.






Massive props has to go to the Ratoath BMX crew led by Shay McNally for a great event in less than ideal conditions. The Ratoath Summer Sessions kick off on the 25th of May.


Chris Larkin, head commissaire for the day, did a great job in spite of the wellies, assisted by his minions, Alison, Owen, Steve and Kevin.


Mark your calendars for the 29th of June, Lucan BMX is on the horizon … round four! Let’s hope for some sun.



The National Table is updated HERE and the Team Table is HERE.



We are forever grateful for the people who make us look good in their photographs. Hit their names below to go check out all the images.


Stephen Kane – Oilte Photography


Anthony Connor – AC Photography


Simon Murphy


Eugene Jackson






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