1980′s Racing in Ireland & England
1980′s Racing in Ireland & England who can you see that’s still at it today … BANGOR 1985 BALBRIGGAN 1985 WIGAN 1985 CORK 1986 FINGLAS 1986 Still have more to add so stay tuned …
1980′s Racing in Ireland & England who can you see that’s still at it today … BANGOR 1985 BALBRIGGAN 1985 WIGAN 1985 CORK 1986 FINGLAS 1986 Still have more to add so stay tuned …
Video from the 2013 Derby City Nationals, USA BMX
Video from the Milk It Competition Winner and Kelvin Batey
Hear what Kelvin had to say at the 2013 Irish Cycling Show
Some video from Round 6 – 2013 National Series
2013 Red Bull R.Evolution Highlights
All the race action for New Zealand
How do you prepare for a race?
Corinne Walder’s 2013 UK National Edits
Redline’s Alise Post and Sam Willoughby with their coach Sean Dwight, racing and training