Enduro Youth Test Ride – 25 July 2021
In order to compete in the Vitus Gravity Enduro Ireland series, and all other enduro events, all youth riders (aged 12-14) need to be assessed for suitability.
The next Youth Enduro test ride is scheduled for Sunday 25 July 2021 at Ticknock (12 pm).
If you are a Youth rider aged 12/13 and want to race in the 2021 season you must take part in a test ride.
We are looking for a good level of fitness, technical skills and lots of trail sense!
Parents/guardians please get in touch by EMAIL ONLY to book a place (enduro@offroadcyclingireland.ie)
Please include the following details in the email
Parent/guardian name:
Parent/guardian contact number:
Rider’s name:
Rider’s current Cycling Ireland licence number:
Rider’s date of birth:
The minimum age to race is 12 on the weekend of a race. That means if your kid is 11 and turns 12 before the last race of the season (Sept/October) they can take part in the test ride but not race until they turn 12.
If you have already raced or completed a test ride you DO NOT need to do it again.
There is no cost for the test ride.
More details will be emailed.