Inter-provincial Youth MTB Competition – event format

Event 1 – Skills competition:
Riders will be presented with a series of obstacles that they need to negotiate. These will be tests of bike handling skills. The aim is to keep the number of faults to a minimum.

This could include: Bunny hopping obstacles, side hops, slalom, endo turns or 180 degree hops, plank rides, bottle pickups. The format of the obstacle section will not be provided until the event day. All riders will then have time to practice the obstacles. Click here for further information.

If a rider does not attempt a particular object, they will receive a fault. If a rider knocks over the obstacle, cone etc. this will be deemed a fault. The aim is to clear the obstacles with no faults or as few as possible.

The number of faults will affect the handicaps for the next events, the time trial and the hill climb. There will be 3 levels of obstacle with points awarded for completion (1, 2 or 3).

Event 2 – Handicapped time trial
Riders will have one lap of the full course. In addition to their lap time they will have X seconds added per fault from Event 1. Riders will be started at 1 minute intervals. (X seconds to be decided)

Event 3 – Hill Climb
Riders will have a single timed run up a hill climb. In addition to their time they will have Y seconds added per fault from Event 1. Riders will be started at 1 minute intervals. (Y seconds to be decided)

Event 4 – Team relay
The team relay will be held over 4 laps. All teams will all take part together and must complete 4 laps irrespective of how many riders are in the team (to account for injuries). No rider may complete two laps in a row. Riders must make the change by dismounting into the transition and progressing on foot to pass the marker to the next rider who can only set off once they have it.