Inter-provincial Youth MTB Competition – skill practice

Below are some links to more information about the bike skills section of the Inter-provincial Youth MTB Competition.
From the start to the finish, the rider should not put a foot down.

Bunny hops: Riders will have two obstacles to bunny hop over. Both obstacles will be the same height. The rider will have a choice of 3 lines. Each line will have a different height for the obstacles for example
Line 1: obstacles are 10 cm tall and placed 5 metres apart (if successful, rider gains one point)
Line 2: obstacles are 20 cm tall and placed 5 metres apart (if successful, rider gains two points)
Line 3: obstacles are 30 cm tall and placed 5 metres apart (if successful, rider gains three points)

Side lifts: The rider will ride up beside a plank (parallel to it), come to a stop (without putting a foot down), then lift both wheels over the plank and land on the other side (without putting a foot down) and then ride forward to the next plank. Riders can do this by lifting both wheels at the same time, or lifting the front then the back wheel separately as long as they don’t touch the plank with the wheels. The rider will then have to do a side life over the next plank and then ride forward. This way the rider will be tested on side hops both to the left and to the right. For the different levels of difficulty the planks would be wider for example:
Line 1: planks are 5 cm wide (if successful, rider gains one point)
Line 2: planks are 10 cm wide (if successful, rider gains two points)
Line 3: planks are 20 cm wide (if successful, rider gains three points)

Video from 2014 Inter-regional championships: here

Circle Bike hop: The rider cycles into the circle onto the straight line. The rider then has to hop their bike inside the circle to level a) 90 degrees then exit, or b) 180 degrees then exit, or c) 360 degrees and then exit.

Video from 2014 Inter-regional championships: here

Bottle pick ups: Riders would ride slowly up alongside a bottle which has been placed on a small pedestal. The rider has to lift up that bottle (without putting a foot down), ride forward and place the bottle onto the next pedestal where it must be set upright. The difficult would be in the height of the pedestal and the height of the bottle.