Ratoath BMX Latest
Ratoath BMX Track – materials delivered! We need work gangs to rake, shape, water and whack the track. Bring Rakes & Shovels. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK! and THIS WEEKEND TOO! Also, Tonight and Next...
Ratoath BMX Track – materials delivered! We need work gangs to rake, shape, water and whack the track. Bring Rakes & Shovels. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK! and THIS WEEKEND TOO! Also, Tonight and Next...
Ratoath BMX Track Build 5-June-2011 from Lar M on Vimeo. Construction of the new BMX track at Rotoath, Co. Meath is progressing well. Racing is expected to start mid-late Summer. See the Ratoath BMX...
Last week, planning permission was granted for the development of a BMX track in Ratoath, Co. Meath. Construction will commence in the first week of May with heavy equipment in use for the first...
by Offroad Commission · Published May 26, 2010 · Last modified December 21, 2010
The recently formed Ratoath BMX Club is actively campaigning for the construction of a permanent BMX track in Co. Meath. Please show your support for this development by visiting their website and signing the online petition.